Call for expressions of interest – Junior Professorship “Chaire INSERM” Appel à manifestation d’intérêt - Chaire de professeur Inserm

Organisme porteur /Lead institution : Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
Nom du chef d’établissement / Name of head of institution : Pr. Didier Samuel
Site concerné / Research site : U978, Unité de Formation et de Recherche (UFR) Santé Médicine et Biologie Humaine (SMBH), Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) 

Région académique/ Academic region : Paris Centre Nord 

Établissement partenaire envisagé/ Partner institution : USPN 

Nom du projet / Project: Functional plasticity of lymphoid leukemic cells in their stromal and immune environment / Plasticité fonctionnelle des cellules de leucémie lymphoïde chronique dans leurs microenvironnements
Mots-clés / Key words: Onco-hematology, tumor microenvironment, B lymphoid neoplasms, signaling mechanisms, tumor heterogeneity 

Durée visée/ Duration : 4 years

Scientific theme : Life science, Cancer, Onco-hematology, Cell signaling, Microenvironment

Section (s) CNU/CoNRS/CSS correspondante (s)/ Corresponding CNU/CoNRS/CSS Sections : INSERM- CSS2- CNU 64

Strategy of the host institution:

INSERM is one of the leading biomedical research institutions in Europe and worldwide. The Institute aims at strengthening the continuum of health research from molecules to clinical application, while fostering disruptive research approaches. The “Chaire INSERM” project at University Sorbonne Paris Nord will be in line with such a strategic plan while it will be nourished by translational approaches from fundamental to clinically oriented research axes using state-of the-art technologies and a strong enrolment in patient therapeutic care. The recruitment of a candidate who can exploit cutting-edge approaches to advance our understanding of chronic lymphoid neoplasms will contribute to these objectives. In addition, the junior professor will play a role in training young scientists and medical doctors through the advanced programs at University Sorbonne Paris Nord. This will facilitate the development of novel skills in the future generation of researchers and medical professionals.

Strategy of the host laboratory :

 Unit 978 “Signaling, microenvironment and B cell malignancies” (SIMHEL) integrates fundamental onco-hematology and translational research to unravel the heterogeneous profile of two major B CD5+ lymphoid malignancies: chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma. The unit benefits from a large enrolment of patients at the

Avicenne Hospital (reference center for both pathologies) on the campus and from its integration in three national and international networks (Laboratory of Excellence LabEx, French Innovative Leukemia Organization, FILO and European Research Initiative on CLL, ERIC). The scientific program promotes this translational approach and the unit strategy is to strengthen its INSERM-related research capacity and to anticipate the future research activities in the field. In this context, the SIMHEL projects aim at acquiring a better understanding of the altered molecular dialog between tumor and surrounding cells both in the circulation and in the protective lymphoid organs. Adding innovative line of research or systemic analyses to the existing axes will provide further development of both our fundamental knowledge on B cell differentiation and on pathophysiological aspects of the neoplasms. A deeper integration of these complementary expertise will improve the important challenge for considering tailored therapies against resistance and relapse

Summary of the scientific project : 

The project will be developed in the host laboratory (SIMHEL/U978) whose main pathophysiological models are two CD5+ chronic B cell neoplasms (chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma).
The “Chaire INSERM” will get the opportunity to lead independently a research project which will complement ongoing SIMHEL research trajectory on 1) the mechanisms at the basis of the tumor cells plasticity between quiescent and proliferative stages, in which also, immunoregulatory functions are acquired, 2) the tolerogenic and metabolic mechanisms underlying the retention and the niching of a proliferative pool of leukemic cells in sanctuary lymphoid organs leading to transformation in high-grade lymphomas. 3) the elaboration of computational prediction tools of progression and new preclinical models to target the mechanistic alterations at the basis of resistance to current therapeutic options. The research program will favor translational approach and the experimental design will benefit from technological facilities available on site (OMICS, functional genomics, multiparameter flow cytometry, multiplex, 3D-cell cultures) as well as fully annotated blood samples and patient’s biopsies collected at the “Center for biological resources” and hematology department

Summary of the teaching project :

The teaching project includes advanced programs of USPN and University Paris Cité:

  •  Bachelor (L3) level in Biochemistry
  •  Master levels: M1 and M2 T2V and international IMI, LabEx
  •  Specialized teaching at the Doctorate level (Formation at Ecole Doctorale Galillée)

 The “Chaire INSERM” will also contribute to our training to medical and pharmacists researchers (medical faculty) and to the international attractiveness of our teaching program:

  •  Module of onco-hematology
  •  European network on hematology (ERIC and European School of Hematology)

Innovative teaching practices will be considered
The package includes teaching discharges: first year: 64 h; second year 32 h

Funding :

ANR package :  200k€
Co-funding : co-funding USPN+ new tenure position : 40K€
grant USPN+ Laboratory extra funding with
the additional package detailed below

Total project : 240 K€

Co-funding, additional package with the position:

  • Office and equipped lab space will be provided
  • Expert technical assistance present at the laboratory will be shared
  • Core facilities access and use is funded by the host laboratory
  • Bachelor and Master student supervision with laboratory financial support is provided
  • Further application to PhD grant will be available
  • Independently of this initial package, candidate might be eligible for start-up programs such as ERC Grant or equivalent

Scientific communication and dissemination:

The recruited researcher is expected to aim at peer-reviewed publications with high impact, to disseminate results at a national and international level, and to actively collaborate within the scientific community. Activities may include conferences, active participation in a learned society and sharing information through public 

Open Science

The recruited researcher will implement Open Science standards in all his/her activities, in particular early open sharing of research and research outputs even beyond publications. This will include, but is not be limited to, open access publishing and open data sharing. The University as well as INSERM adhere to the “Dora Charte” for open Science. Costs of Open Science are generally taken in charge by the laboratory. 

Science and society:
 The laboratory is involved in several societies and so, regularly gives lectures and provides information or guidelines to patients’ associations. SIMHEL launched a “participating” program in which the “Chaire INSERM” might be involved.

Indicators : 


Teaching will be carried out at the UFR SMBH (medicine and human biology faculty) 

  • Capacity to transfer knowledge through teaching
  • Development of innovative teaching and pedagogical practices
  • Capacity to interact effectively with teaching teams 

The indicators will be assessed based on bi-annual reports and by student feedback on the teaching provided


  •  Development of a successful and independent line of research
  •  High quality scientific production
  •  Capacity to obtain additional funding.
  •  Capacity to transfer knowledge to the scientific community and to the general public

Knowledge transfer  

  •  Integration in infrastructure and coordination with SIMHEL research axes
  • Collaborative projects within USPN as well as at national and international levels
  • Capacity to transfer knowledge to the scientific community and to the general public

Contact in the host laboratory: Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the laboratory for a first discussion.

 Nadine Varin-Blank 
UMR U978 Inserm/ Université Paris 13 
Signalisation, microenvironnement et hémopathies lymphoïdes B
Signaling, microenvironment and B cell malignancies 

74 rue Marcel Cachin
93017 Bobigny Cedex

Tél: (33) 01 48 38 77 72 
Fax: (33) 0148 38 73 69

email: nadine.varin@inserm.f


Publié le : 28/10/2024
Date de début
